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Research and Mentoring Program Plan

The heart of the CCNY RaMMMP program is an immersive mentored research experience, enriched by professional development activities and conducted with the support of a stimulating and inclusive participant network. Our activities aim to propel postbaccalaureates who have interests at the Biochemistry/Biophysics/Biodesign (B3) interface into rewarding careers – whether those careers involve basic discovery science in an academic environment, applied biotechnology for product development in industry, or other science-enabled job choices. Our three-module programmatic plan is summarized below:



The B3-RaMP faculty mentors, along with co-mentors who are typically their respective research collaborators, each have robust external research support and publication records that align with the broad B3 theme. The commitment of these scientists and engineers to mentoring postbaccalaureate researchers is demonstrated by their supervision of a diverse group of ~450 trainees and their numerous publications for which undergraduates and/or post baccalaureates are co-authors. Their research interests and linked websites are summarized here.


The vibrant Harlem campus of The City College of New York (CCNY) will be the home base for the B3-RaMMMP project, and, of course, CCNY is located in New York City.  In addition to laboratories in the Center for Discovery and Innovation (CDI), Marshak Science Building, and Steinman Engineering Building, our research activities will take place in the adjoining City University of New York (CUNY) Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC) and the New York Structural Biology Center (NYSBC). Offsite visits and internships will take place primarily in the Metropolitan New York region; they can also include research collaborator facilities that are located, for instance, at Cornell U. (Ithaca, NY), Johns Hopkins U. (Baltimore, MD), Rockefeller U. (New York, NY), and many international sites. 


Professional Development

The ‘Getting Set’ programmatic module will complement our technical research training with biweekly lunch/workshops that will also enhance the cohesiveness of the RaMMMP network. For instance, mentors and co-mentors will take turns introducing their personal scientific journeys and fielding attendee questions. Skills in scientific research communication will be fostered using several strategies: ‘active attendance’ at weekly seminar series, regional conferences, technical workshops, and SciCafe events; oral presentations, posters, and written reports at venues that range from intimate research group meetings to celebratory community-wide Research Retreats.


The ‘Getting Going’ programmatic module will build skills that enable mentees to chart a course toward their preferred occupations. They will hear from mentors, co-mentors, and visitors who have pursued career paths in academia, industry, and government. They will learn how to apply for jobs and go for interviews. They will sample diverse employment sectors by visiting our recruitment partners at nearby academic institutions, by touring industrial and government research sites, by enrolling in CUNY-sponsored Industrial Innovations Seminars or Entrepreneurship Workshops, and by undertaking real-world internships.

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